Heart Breaks

Exerpt from the life of a friend. Written by Monique

Please listen while reading

It is a must….there’s no doubt about that. Some experience it early, others late, whilst some try to stop loved ones from experiencing it. The pain may be less for some…but it is not escapable.

Ofcourse I thought I was an exception. “I can’t be heartbroken”, I’d think to myself; Went through high school without even losing a piece of my heart. Later on, met up on someone who took a piece of my jewel, my antique. No doubt I thought it was the end of the world. I ‘hollad’, I bawled because I thought that this was the worst to come. I swore that it would be the last I’d face. But without even knowing it, another one came. But the chrysalis to the heartbreak was great. Matter of factly it was superb. I enjoyed every moment; it was almost like fairy tale. Unfortunately it ended with a big crash….pieces of my heart slowly rolled off…depression came, the tears came.

It took me months to get over this. But late one night, I sat up in bed, looked in the mirror and stared dead in my eye and said these words “You’re too beautiful to be crying like this. He had to go to make you grow. Now this is the final night that you are going to cry because of this. I love you…run ahead and smile away”

These words gave me strength to move on. I now cry not because of a man or because of sadness. I cry because when I look back to where I was, and look at the present to see the strength I now posses, it gives me joy. To top that off, I’ve promised myself not to make another man take my joy. I control this shit, along with the Almighty. No one dictates my happiness. I live this life…and so if you want to use and abuse me, check another chick, this woman has no time for your trickeries and rambunctious behaviours. I love me…call me conceited, but guy if you don’t like me and wish not to love me…your loss….I know who I am, what I can be and what I want to become.

To all the heart broken….live your life…Your life is in God’s hands and is lived by you and you only. Realise that you only live once, and within that one chance of living heart breaks will come, friendships will go, problems must arise. Deal with it as the best that has ever happened to you. Live a happy life amidst all the atrocities that persist. I love my life…..Love your life too….

By the way guys…..Karma is real…Those stupid guys and girls who broke your heart will come crawling back. But guess what….the dish of revenge is best served cold! Reciprocity at its highest…God bless…..

Taken by Monique Whitfield-Galina St Mary 26.4.13

Taken at Galina St Mary

Taken at Galina St Mary

Clinging to another rung

Wow Wow guys!!! Time does fly….it has been months since I’ve blogged but I’m now overwhelmed to blog once more. Not because of current affairs or issues that bug the mind, but because of happiness and contentment.

I’ve come to the end of my second year at the University of Technology, two more years to go. Sounds long but truth and in fact it is pretty short.

Nostalgic about last semester, I do recall that it was a TOUGH one. Man…I cried…fell into a slight state of depression….the seas (C’s) inundated my portal by the time my results were out. Well…it was not a lot, just exaggerating,  but I got a few. I barely scraped some A’s.

But yes people…self analysis was the key that unlocked the door to another room filled with successes. Not only self analysis, but a change in mind. Ofcourse I started to think and speak positively and shut out the pathologically negative words that rolled off the tongues of those who passionately despised me.

Semester 2 came, and yes it had it’s challenges, but I must admit that it was one filled with fun and laughter. Well…up to the point when I had to be spitting unkind words in order to get the grade I wanted. Guys…venturing into radio land was FUN….photography…aahhh….challenging but fun…

So now I’m on a break, what’s left to do? I’ve started my reading quest once more. ‘Gifted Hands’ by Ben Carson is the book I’m currently reading and I have another box filled with books that I must read before August 2013 ends.

I do hope all my colleagues have a great holiday. One that’s filled with productivity and laughter….see you next semester guys!!!! One love….

Image taken by Monique Whitfield: 22.4.13_Papine

“Like this flower….throughout life or throughout your university years, there will be times when you are surrounded by mostly rocks (difficult people and situations), greenry (other people who are different from you) and a budding flower (those who are thriving hard to become like you). But life is all about what you make it, and what you want to become. Stay focused…continue to stand out, and retain the blurred vision of everything else or everyone else around you! You can make it if you try…” 

by Mojay
